More than EVER We need arts in education to KEEP questionning ConsTRuct utopias EXPERIMENT SEARCH the unpredictible Increase CULTURAL Conscienciousness FEELing express EMOTIONs Engagement Thinking WAYS Cooperation tools DISCOVER worlds Making Creating new Paths COMPromise Carrying Out Ideas Living Arts in education gives you Passion skills and competences that will enrich your life gives you tools to learn. Creativity knowledge about different cultures learning tolerance and democracy Freedom better understanding of different cultures contribution to peace.
Different cultures contribution to peace.
This is an international action to foster more awareness for the arts in education. Please distribute the word cloud that follows as a card or message in digital format through email lists or other social networking groups, or in printed form in supermarkets, schools, shopping malls, Parliamentary buildings, football stadiums, streets, squares, etc.
Let's Spread the Word for Arts Education!
Santiago Group C3, Santiago de Compostela, May 2012
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